RWE Pembroke Green Hydrogen Pre-Application Consultation

The need for green hydrogen

Our Proposals

Indicative application site boundary plan

Indicative site layout plan

Site Selection

Environmental Impact Assessments

How Pembroke Green Hydrogen will work

Get involved with the consultation

Looking south east towards the from the Wales Coast Plan along Valero Pembroke Refinery fenceline

Views west-southwest towards Pembroke Power Station and Valero Pembroke Refinery form Ocean Way, Pennar Point

View looking northwest from Pembrokeshire Coast Path / Wales Coast Path on Golborough Road, west of Hundleton

View south towards site from The Rath, Milford Haven

Pembroke Net Zero Centre

Technologies proposed as part of PNZC

Supporting the local community

This consultation has now closed and Pembrokeshire County Council has approved the planning application. For more information about the project and our ambitions for Pembroke Net Zero Centre, please visit RWE’s website.

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